Monday, January 28, 2008

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Abut my work

I go to my office every morning at 6:30. I sin in my name. I cheek for email at 7:45. I cheek for fax at 8:30. I stay in my office all the time because if any people need help I help .I read news paper at 10:00.

Monday, November 19, 2007

police man

Ali Zaid Almarri 20/11/2007

Police man

First I get up at 5:30 I put on my uniform .I get to work at 6:00 because my job is very important I help people for busy street because every morning big busy street. I go to for cheek set belt I write report I drive around the city

Monday, November 12, 2007

Whta is he doing

What is he doing?

He is surfing.

What is he watching?

He is looking at a big fish.

What is he riding?

He is riding a surfboard.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

What I do every day (2)

1-I get up at 5:00 every day.

2-I take a shower and I eat breakfast at 6:00.

3-I go to my work at 6:15 am.

4- I start my class at 7:30 am.

5-I take a break at 11:30 I go to land mark for lunch.

6-I leave my work at 3:00 pm.

7-I sleep one hour then I visit my friend.

8-I have dinner with friends at 9:30 pm.

9-I walk on the Cornish every night.

10-I watch TV.

What I do every day

1-I get up at 5:00 every day

2-I take shower and I eat breakfast at 6:00

3-I go to my work at 6:15am

4- I start my class at 7:30 am

5-I take break at: 11:30 I go to LAND MARK I take lunch

6-I leave my work at: 3:00 pm

7-I sleep one hour then I visit my friend

8-I take dinner with friends at: 9:30 pm

9-I walk in Cornish every night

10-I watch TV

My friend Mohamed

1-He is short.
2-He is 25 years old.
3-He has long hair.
4-He is slim.
5-He is wearing class.
6-He has a moustache.
7-He is wearing a Rolex watch.
8-He is wearing dress shoes
9-He is thin
10-He has a goatee

My friend Mohamed

1-Heis short.
2-He is 25 years old.
3-He has long hair.
4-He is slim.
5-He is wearing class.
6-He has a moustache.
7-He is wearing a Rolex watch.
8-He is wearing dress shoes
9-He is thin
10-He has a goatee

my Father

1-He is tall 179cm
2-He has a beard and moustache
3-He is middle aged
4-He is heavy
5-He has short black hair
6-He has a white a car
7-He is wearing black sandals
8-He is 50 years old
9-He is Qatari
10-He has black eyes

Monday, November 5, 2007

How to use Microsoft word

60052578 6/11/2007

1-Log on to computer.

2-Clike start

3-Clike all programs.

4-Clike Microsoft office

5-Clike Microsoft word

6-Writhe in my self in Microsoft word

7-Copy all the information

8-Peast in my blogger

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Help English (2) Ali 1/11/2007

1- Can you give me a piece of paper please?

2- How do you spell that?

3-Excuseme can you help me
4-Can you help me teacher please?


6-How are you to day?

7-Very well, and you?

8-What did you do last night?

9-Not mach, how about you?

10- What’s new?

11-Not mach, how about you?

12-Not mach, how about you?

Help English Ali 1/11/2007

1- Can you give me a piece of paper please?

2- How do you spell that?
3-Excueseme can you help me please?

4-Can you help me teacher please?


6-How are you to day?

7-Very well, and you

8-What did you do last night?

9-Notmucth, how about you?

10- What’s new?

11-Notmucth, how about you

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Thursday, October 25, 2007

An interview with my new teacher

Ali; What is your name?

Roger; My name is Mr. Roger

Ali; Where were you born?

RogerI was born in Canada?

Ali; Are you married ?

Roger; Yes I am marred

Ali; what good do you like?

Roger I like Spicy Thi food

Ali; Do you like Doha?

Roger Yes I like Doha

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

10 intcrview questions

1- How old are you?

2- Where you live?

3- Did you travel in the eid?

4- Are you happy at CNA?

5- What is your favorite sort?

6- Will you travel this weekend?

7- Are you happy to day?

8- What clear is your car?

9- How many brothers do you have?

10- Do you like speaking English?

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Introdustion

My name is Ali. I am 23 years old. I am marred . I don’t have any children. I have 5 brother and 1 sister. I live with my family. I have a big house. I live in Al-Rayyan . I work in Q.P be for one year and a have. I have a car Land crosser 2002. I study in can –Q. I study English and math and first Add. I have many friends I play foot ball every weekend. I have many camels . my hobbies are traveling and swimming. I like coffee and malk.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Family(2)

My family
1-They have a car.
2-They have a house.
3-They have children.
4-They have money.
5-They have friends.
6-They don’t have a horse.
7-They don’t have a tent.
8-They don’t have a company.

Monday, October 1, 2007

my family

1-The have a car.
2-The have house.
3-The have hildren.
4-The have money.
5-The have friends.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

5 computer words





Sunday, September 16, 2007